How Will You Serve? [Blog]

by Hannah Markquart

Shawn Smith, our Mission Director, has officially announced the 2016 mission to Guatemala with Now Is The Time Mission!!

What is special about this year's mission is that we are devoting our time, energy, and resources to a new village that receives almost no outside help.

We will be bringing the love of God and working to serve this community through humanitarian aid, stove installation,  floor installation, and vacation bible school.

As we enter 2016, consider making serving others a new year's goal.

This mission allows for many forms of service:

I challenge you to take it upon yourself to serve in one of these ways.

So...How will you serve in 2016?

Click here for more info about our mission.

To make a tax-free donation to our mission, click here.


Here's what some of last year's mission Crew Members said about our mission work:

(you can read more from them in their blog posts)

“Every year I leave here telling myself I am not coming back because of the language barrier and here I am again after 8 years. God’s love shining in those big brown eyes keeps me coming back!!!” – Shawn Tracey

“Perhaps that is what God sent us here to do: plant and nurture seedlings of faith.”  – Michael Berens-VanHeest

“They do not have much material, or much of a home, sometimes, much of a family. However, they do have love. I was privileged to see that.” – Courtney Hughes
“To say the least, I came into this trip partially blind and not really knowing what to expect at all, but everything that has surprised me up to this point has been nothing but a blessing.” – Fidel Nuñez
“God’s work is sacrificing not only your body for others, but also your heart and your soul. To give a piece of each of these things is what doing God’s work really is." – Fidel Nuñez
“I have observed that Christ can be so alive and show His presence even in areas of the world where children go hungry and sleep in infested beds or on dirt floors each night.” – Rachel Williams
“I have witnessed God in this mission over and over. He has taught me to open my eyes and let Him use me as His hands and feet. “ – Liesel Odden

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