Paso a Paso - Day 3 Blog

Paso a Paso - Day 3 Blog

by Anna Tyler

Our first night here in Guatemala, at service, we discussed how this work and this mission isn’t about us. I believe it was Damaris who in particular said that God would still show up whether we were here or not. I took this to mean that we are merely the tools that God is choosing to use for the short time that we are here. I fully understood this message today. 

Last night I went to bed feeling like I wasn’t enough (I know very little Spanish) and wondering if the women I am teaching are...

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Paso a Paso - Day 2 Blog

Paso a Paso - Day 2 Blog

by Dave Tousley

Today started early 5:20 am.  I am not a morning person, but I was up without an alarm at 5:20.  Breakfast at 6:00 am and out at our rides to Paso A Paso at 6:30 am.  Truth be told I am not usually out of bed until 7 at home.  On our way to Paso A Paso we pass by some coffee fields that seem to go on for as far as I can see.  As we left Paso A Paso on our way out to install a stove I saw a man at the back of a moped with a big canister strapped to the back.  He was scooping out fresh milk into a jar for a family.  I never really thought about not having a refrigerator to store milk and needing it delivered to me daily.  Most of the families we are serving here don’t have...

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Paso a Paso - Day 1 Blog

Paso a Paso - Day 1 Blog

by Melody LaPierre

What do corrugated aluminum, dried cornstalks, and cement blocks, possibly have in common? Nothing, you say? Add perhaps a strand or two of various thicknesses of wire, a couple well seasoned four by fours (and I’m not talking bandages for those of you who may know I am a nurse)....toss in (why not?) a wing and a prayer, add a healthy dash of faith coupled with a willingness to exert some serious manual labor and you have...

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Hogar Miguel - Day 6 Blog

Hogar Miguel - Day 6 Blog

by Phyllis Austin

What a joy it has been to be part of this all inspiring mission.  I expected to come to lend a hand and experience a new culture however, the experience has been far beyond my expectations.  Shawn and Damaris do an excellent job of considering everyone’s needs and creating a very welcoming, comfortable and loving environment for all and obviously this brings out the best in people. 

The volunteers come from all parts of the USA and come with open hearts and minds and the people of Guatemala extend their entire heart.  The smiles are constant and the giving seems endless.

I have naturally been touched by some very special moments.  One in particular was...

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Hogar Miguel - Day 5 Blog

Hogar Miguel - Day 5 Blog

by Sarah Jacobs

This week has undeniably been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.  It was my first year participating in a mission trip and I couldn’t have picked a better time in my life to come.  As this week comes to a close, I am able to reflect with great joy on the life changing events that occurred these past few days. 

To begin, I was extremely fortunate to have had the opportunity to serve with such a wonderful group of people.  I truly believe that the members this week epitomized the definition of altruism.  Everyone who attended the mission left their home and put their life on hold for a week for one reason: to serve others.  I have never been...

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Hogar Miguel - Day 4 Blog

Hogar Miguel - Day 4 Blog

by Kent  Christensen

Today is the 4th day at Hogar Miguel. Monday was basically a tour of the orphanage and the girls new princess castle. Tuesday was stove installation. I got to see the homes of the people that we are here to try and make a difference for. Home is where your heart is, where you raise your family, where your kids grow up. Other than that I would call them sheds. Four post, tin walls, tin roofs, and a dirt floor in most. The reason we install stoves for them is...

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Hogar Miguel - Day 3 Blog

Hogar Miguel - Day 3 Blog

by Maggie Funk

My name is Maggie and this is my second year doing the Guatemala mission trip.  They say nothing is quite the same the second time you do something.  While that may be true, doing the mission trip in Guatemala the second time around means just as much to me as the first.  For whoever decided at the last minute not to come or was thinking about coming, even if you dont speak any spanish, or are anti-social, have no traveling experience, or no faith in god, I promise you, you will fall in love with something here. 

Last year I met a boy at the orphanage named Franklin, he’s...

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Hogar Miguel - Day 2 Blog

Hogar Miguel - Day 2 Blog

by Dean Higa

It’s great to be back and see old friends while making new ones too.  I am always amazed at the dedication of those who are serving.  Every time I hear Karen give her testimony at the Hogar Miguel chapel, I am extremely humbled.  What a great example of someone who is “All-in” for the sake of the children in the name of Jesus Christ.

It was an amazing sight to see...

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Hogar Miguel - Day 1 Blog

Hogar Miguel - Day 1 Blog

By:  Kjetil Odden

    We made it through our first day.  A great day, in my opinion.  It was exceedingly entertaining and enjoyable, and we also got a relatively good idea regarding what sort of things will be going on throughout the rest of the week.  Of course, everything is liable to change, as Shawn has made clear.  But, barring unforeseen occurrences, it seems as if everything is in place to provide a successful, fun, and rewarding week for both us and those who we are serving.  Most importantly, it is clear that everyone is glad to be here.  I have seen nothing but positive attitudes and...

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2014 Mission PR Materials

2014 Mission PR Materials

Mission 2014 Crew Members:

Thanks for your patience while we get our new website up and running.  Here's a few links from our new and old sites, to help you with your fundraising, and mission promotion.

Looking for PR that you can print and use for fundraising?  Downloadable tri-fold brochures are here.

Looking for slideshows to use for presentations?  Downloadable slideshows are here.

Want to join our mailing list?  Send an email here

Looking for our 2013 Podcasts? Go here.

Looking for PR materials for fundraising?  Downloadable slideshows and trifolds are here

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2013 Mission Project Totals By the Numbers

Dear Mission Supporters:

Thank you for all of your support of our mission last summer.  By the grace of God, we were able to accomplish the following work on your behalf.  We could not have done it without you.  

The numbers below don’t really capture the most important mission work that happened (i.e. sharing the love and hope of Jesus with hundreds of children and their families thru very personal, one-to-one moments; and the mission team members’ lives who were transformed in powerful, indescribable ways).  

However, we hope that these numbers, along with our photos, blogs, and podcasts, can help to explain some of what we did, and express how grateful we are for all of your help.  Muchas Gracias!

God’s Peace, 
Brother Shawn


Here's some numbers from our 2013 Mission:

205 Mission Crew Members from the U.S. ages 7-72

1 Girl's Home for 30 Disadvantaged and Abused Girls nearly completed

48 concrete floors installed in bedrooms and kitchens of homes of children living in extreme poverty

283 high-efficiency stoves installed in homes of children living in extreme poverty

300+ children and family members served in our Medical Clinic, who don't have access to healthcare

400+ reading and sunglasses provided

800+ distance eyeglasses prescribed, and many more vision screenings and testings performed

850 children given anti-parasite meds that will last for 6 months, and vitamins for 30 days

4,000 children taught Bible stories and songs about Jesus

18,000 lbs of shoes, clothes, school supplies, toiletries, etc. given to 850 children living in extreme poverty

$16,000 - extra funds raised for water filters, school supplies, shoes, and other local mission projects serving the extreme poor in these 4 villages

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